Ever wonder what it would be like at the finish line of the Tour de France? Well, here it is!
When you decide to go watch the end of the Tour de France on the Champs-Élysées, you have no idea what you’re really about to see. Yes, you hope to catch a glimpse of the race and be a part of the excitement of the crowd. But you are not prepared for the absolutely electrifying energy that surrounds you and will run through your body as the race speeds by.
You imagine the participants racing, but in person, they seem to be going at the warp speed of superheroes. It is absolutely incredible. And while it is crowded, the avenue is so long you can find a great spot to watch if you look around. After the race concludes, mingle with fellow spectators or have a drink at one of the many nearby cafés.
If you’re like me, you might prefer to avoid “touristy” areas when traveling, but I couldn’t recommend this experience more. And that is why it’s one of my top things to do in Paris in the month of July.