I’ve had a difficult time blogging lately. If you follow Living Frenchly on Instagram or Facebook, you know I’ve had a loss in my life and I’ve been grieving. But I’m trying to bring some joy back into my life and thought posting again would be a great way to start.
With the spirit of Thanksgiving still lingering, I’ve been contemplating all that I’m grateful for and the good times that I had this fall season despite my recent sadness. Living in an area where vineyards and farms are plentiful, one can’t help but see and appreciate the abundance around us this time of year.
One of my goals this fall was to attend my first grape stomp. I have dreamed of stomping grapes in a vintage dress ever since I saw the grape stomping scene in A Walk in the Clouds (1995).
Grape stomps are one of France’s oldest traditions and you can experience one in France’s wine regions or in California during harvest time (usually August-October). I found one organic farm in Provence named Les Pastras that offers grape stomp experiences in September. You will also find many wineries in Napa, Paso Robles, and Temecula that have similar celebrations.
On this particular beautiful autumn day pictured below, we visited Frangipani in Temecula, CA for their grape stomp.

And yes! I did, indeed, wear a vintage dress for the occasion.

The sun was warm on our faces, the breeze was crisp, and the air was buzzing with excitement. The grapes were mushy between my toes as I tried to mash them without stepping on a bee. (Like most people, I hate getting stung!)
After, we enjoyed delicious wine and pretty views with the other guests.

I propose a toast to the beautiful days we all experienced this fall, checking items off our bucket list, and welcoming the holiday season!
Photos: Living Frenchly